About Us
The Talon Guard App Concept

Was founded by the primary
Risk Consultant of Arkaig Falcon

A security risk management specialist with over 30 years combined military, diplomatic and commercial security experience across Africa, Middle East and Asia. The App was designed in consultation with other trusted associates engaged as SME’s, with similar experience in security risk management roles. We are centrally located and registered in the United Arab Emirates.

Making What’s Possible in Travel Security


Our Business
Committed to Providing Unrivalled Personal Security

With personal safety being our core value, we are committed to providing unrivalled personal security capability and support to all individuals and organizations, to meet the rapidly evolving threats of the world today through our innovative Talon Guard App.


Our Experience

Has shown us the importance of travel risk management, and we believe the key for international travelers to continue to conduct business safely and mitigate the new world threats, is achievable by adopting sensible personal security measures.

GPS Tracking

Supported by live monitoring and security tracking operators, or watchmen, is now a vital necessity for global business and independent travelers.


Global Security

The global security dynamics have changed. Economic depression has escalated crime, political instability and other main threat categories to heightened states of risk in many countries.

Being Tracked
We Understand

That being tracked is never an easy life adjustment, however we also know that being ‘Off Grid‘ or unsupported overseas, in the present security climate is not a viable option which could lead to becoming involved in an imminent threat situation without a response plan. For this reason, we have taken stock of what’s acceptable and what’s effective and moulded the functionality of the app to suit all threat environments.


Years Of Experience

Knowledge and Experience

We have a knowledge and experience base that has inspired us to do more for those who may find themselves exposed to personal risk. We stay connected with our regional networks and associates to assure our customer base. We are driven to provide an enhanced level of due care and responsibility to support individuals with a corporate level security strategy.

The App falls under one of the services of ‘Arkaig Falcon’ an independent Risk Consultancy supported by a number of trusted and internationally experienced security specialists from former military and police backgrounds.