
The Way of Success

The Talon Guard GPS tracking and monitoring application is an advanced security risk management solution for independent contractors, business travellers and lone adventurers.

The control dashboard is designed to capture an extensive array of time-critical and location evidence that can be forwarded to a project safety department, emergency responder agency or a diplomatic embassy to facilitate a recovery operation for a client in distress.

Talon Guard offers a corporate level of personal security support and peace of mind to individual travellers through ‘round-the-clock’ live support tracking operators.

Security Outlook

World events since the COVID-19 pandemic continues to increase the security risks to foreign travellers through economic depression and subsequent political instability. These conditions have driven dramatic escalations in serious crime rates, civil unrest, kidnapping, banditry and armed conflict around the world. The number of inflation-related unrest incidents has increased and is reported as being almost five times higher up to October 2022 compared with the total number recorded in the whole of 2019. The IMF and the world bank predict global inflationary pressures will likely persist into 2023 driving an elevated risk of unrest and instability.


Year Of Experience We Just Achived

Travel Risk Management

Talon Guard cannot provide any guarantee of personal safety assurance to subscribers committed to travelling in increased-risk countries, but by adopting the app tracking service the traveller will benefit from a dedicated 24/7 live overwatch tracking operator, who can assist with security advice, preventative guidance and initiate a crisis response plan in the event of a lost contact or imminent threat situation.


Registration & Tracking Activation

The app is configured to fit the operating nature of the traveller and the threat level associated with the country being visited. The user will submit a basic personal profile on registration to the Talon Guard app monitoring platform. A registered member thereafter can submit a travel plan and book a period of tracking overwatch through the booking section. The tracking schedule and live monitoring will begin on the day of arrival in the country of business.


Emergency Overwatch Activation

Should a registered member of the app find themselves in a location where the security situation has deteriorated rapidly, The user can submit an emergency overwatch schedule for immediate tracking activation and support as long as the threat exists or until the situation has been stabilised.